Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Beast

He squats,
Huddled by the dying fire,
Parachute flapping,
Dead eyes staring,
A dead face looking down the mountain,
A dead body being pulled at by the wind,
A broken link to a world far away,
The boys come up the mountain,
On guard,
Looking for the monster,
The monster unreal,
Three becomes one,
He continues,
Openly cocky yet inwardly afraid,
The others wait in dread silence,
He sees,
Stares into blank eyes,
And, through the darkness of ignorance and blind fear,
Creates a beast from the once person,
The others follow,
Race down after,
To spread the word of an unreal monster,
Who is tugged and roughened,
By the shifting,
Sea winds.

1 comment:

Mr. Shaddox said...

I really enjoyed this poem! The concept of "three becoming one" is very intriguing. Trinities can be found throughout so much of human art, philosophy, religion and folklore. Father, son, holy ghost. Ego, Superego, Id. Solid, liquid, vapor.

Can you reveal the trinity you are referring to?