Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Jack was once the leader of the choir. Since being left on the island he decided to try and hold onto his authority and tried to be the elected leader. However his haughty manner prevented most of the boys from voting for him. He was given the position, leader of the hunters, to mollify him. He has become a monomaniac and obsesses over the idea of killing a pig. He has the responsibility of keeping the fire going but abandons it to go hunting for pigs. He naturally rebels against authority and represents this side of human personalities. He rejects the democratic symbolism of the conch and tries to rule instead off of fear. He preys off the fears of the beast and is currently trying to topple Ralph's government although he does not openly declare this.
His physical appearance is tall, red-haired, and freckled. He has blue eyes that when he is angry look opaque.
We are reading chapter 6

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