Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Ralph is the elected leader of the boys. He is 12 years old and is from the country. A democratic leader, Ralph makes the mistake of trusting Jack. This leads to the collapse of the society. Ralph wants order and a stable, civilized village. He is the main builder of the soon discarded huts. He has great trust in another boy called Piggy, whose scientific mind, and glasses, allow the society to survive as long as it did. Ralph's symbol of leadership is the conch that he and Piggy found and used to call all of the boys.
In the story Ralph represents the protagonist and society's rational side. His opposite is Jack who represents the wilder side and the dangers of succumbing to impulses. The symbols around him are the conch, the signal fire, Piggy's glasses, and the beastie.
The last chapter we read was chapter 4.
Note: the words in blue are the vocabulary words. These words are assigned by Mr. Shaddox and are from the book.


Zoe said...

hey, Emma thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. I really like you idea of having little blogs to tell people what we are working on.

Anonymous said...

Emma You did a Great job commenting on 99% of the blogs! You are a very good have done an exceptional job!