Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More Symbols

There is religious symbolism in Lord of the Flies. Some claim that Simon comes to represent Jesus. The way he is willing to help the littuns and go back through the dark forest to help them shows his kind mentality. Also his meeting with the Lord of the Flies is like in the Bible how Jesus is in the wilderness when he is tested by the devil. In addition what happens to Simon is symbolic.

The stick sharpened at both ends is like the proverbial "double edged sword". It means danger from two places at once. It also shows that the very thing/people that help you, like Jack, can turn on you and hurt you. This will be shown later as this symbol becomes prominent.

One of the other examples of religious symbolism in The Lord of the Flies is the island. The island represents the Garden of Eden or Paradise. It is a perfect world where food is easy to get and plentiful. It is a perfect world until the boys come. The crash and the collapse represents Original Sin.
The Lord of the Flies is a symbol also. The Lord of the Flies is a pig's head that Jack left as a sacrifice to the Beast. The pig was murdered in a way similar to rape. The murder takes place in Simon's clearing, the clearing even more so than the island is symbolic of the Garden of Eden. The killing of an innocent is like Original Sin. While Simon is looking at the head he imagines it is talking to him. It is referred to as the Lord of the Flies because of the flies buzzing around it. The way Simon encounters it is like in the Bible where Jesus is in the wilderness and is tempted by the Devil. The Lord of the Flies is a symbol for the Devil. He reveals the truth to Simon leading to *****'* *****. The Lord of the Flies is also a symbol for how fear corrupts and changes.
The huts that the boys built on the beach are like a barometer for hope of rescue. In this they are like the Signal Fire. But the huts are also a symbol for caring for the weak and helpless since these would help the littluns. There are three huts. The first one was built by everyone, the second by about six people and the third was built by Ralph and Simon. The two who built the last hut are the two who are the most active in helping the littluns and this shows their compassion. The Chant
To read about the Chant go to

Piggy's Hair

There are many more symbols in this book. I might post about others later.

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